This is an Essay on triumphal arches, describing the the purpose of them and how this was achieved. Helpful for anyone studying history of Art AS.

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What was the purpose of Triumphal arches and how did they fulfil this Purpose Alongside with many other great buildings in Rome such as Statues, aedicular shrines and columns, triumphal arches were there to commemorate victories on the battle field or other important episodes in history. They were also used to maintain the memory of important men. Triumphal arches and columns to a certain extent were more special. They weren't used just in Rome, but …

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…via this gate signified the continued presence of the blessing the triumphant brought into the city. So the triumphal arch wasn't just for the memory of a victory of a battle, it was also a great reward for a general, and a place for the precession to take place. The triumphal arch was also there to show the greatness of Rome, and by making them lush and ornate, using expensive materials this was achieved successfully.