This is an Analytical essay describing the connotative language in the Koran.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
"In The Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.... Master of the Day of Doom...." The Koran is full of connotative language, words that fill you with emotion and compel you to submit your will to Allah. The words in this book were chosen carefully by the author (God) to influence the way he is envisioned, and to show us his duality: Allah the Merciful, the compassionate, and Allah the Master of the Day of …

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…powerful. The connotative language in the following lines makes people feel very good inside, because the author (God) talks about angels and "The Spirit", two very powerful images. In conclusion, the Koran expertly uses connotative language to aid in the converting of spiritual, but godless people. It also helps paint a picture of Allah's two sides. If different, more sterile words were used, the work would lose very much, if not all of it's power.