This is about progressive refom in the 1800's thru 1900's. It includes topic about politial , social and economic reforms like child labor, and work ethics.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Progressive Era was a title placed on the period from 1890-1920. It created many responses to the increase of economic and social problems that industrialization introduced to American cities. What began as a social movement quickly turned into a political one. Many different groups of people were now pushing towards major changes in American life. There were many reforms that helped alleviate the problems that were occurring during this time of political, economic, and …

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…many women lower-class to upper-class learn about sexuality, and providing maternal services. At a time of the greatest activities by reformers, there was little regard for the publics interest. It was at the height of industrialization that progressives collectively were the utilities claiming that making rules along the way had not worked for many years, and now needed to step in and alter those rules for the good of the people and the country itself.