This is about a man who finds a staff.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
once a man who was great in wizdom came across a staff and took it off the ground. The man later took over the U.S goverment with t he great power of the staff.the man grue a long beered and took it to the barber who was a very short fatonce a man who was great in wizdom came across a staff and took it off the ground. The man later took over …

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…of the staff.the man grue a long beered and took it to the barber who was a very short fatonce a man who was great in wizdom came across a staff and took it off the ground. The man later took over the U.S goverment with t he great power of the staff.the man grue a long beered and took it to the barber who was a very short fat The End