This is about Don Quixote and his insanity.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Don Quixote: Reality of Insanity Miguel De Cervantes's "Don Quixote" is a well thought out satire of medieval romance novels. He illustrates the rotting of people's minds by creating a man who embarks on a fabricated knightly quest. An interesting fact is that Cervantes himself tried to write romances of chivalry, but did not succeed. Don Quixote's detachment from reality serves as a comical approach to a culture escaping from reality. The pastoral romances of …

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…readers. In response, he created a satirical piece that uses a man's obsession that leads to the loss of his insanity. It is not until his death, that Don Quixote realizes that his expeditions have caused more havoc to the world than good. He realizes that his reality was a mere illusion. Works Cited Cervantes, Miguel De. The Norton Anthology: World Masterpieces. Vol. 1. Ed. Lawall, Sarah, Mack, Maynard. W.W. Norton & Company, NY. 1964-2071