This is a wonderful research paper about a train ride into the wonderful mountains of West Virginia.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Cass Scenic Railroad, is located at Cass West Virginia. Cass, in Pocahontas County, was once known for it booming lumber industry. Today it is known as one of West Virginia's great tourist attractions. It is a preserved lumber company town, which is complete with an old company store and specialty shops. Cass was invented and named as a State Park to preserve an old logging railroad. Once a symbol of the economic power that drove …

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…usually went to Cass for a train ride every year. This is a wonderful experience that I will never forget. It gives new meaning to the word history. What began as manufacturing in the mountains turns out to be a wonderful tourist attraction. Possibilities for development for the Cass Scenic Railroad State Park are limitless. I cant wait to see what the Cass Scenic Railroad has in store fore us in the years to follow. .