This is a term paper on hippies.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Lessons from a Hippie Society The hippie movement, positive or negative, brought an abundance of changes to mainstream society, affecting every generation since. The influences of the time brought an open-minded change in lifestyle and love and a mind-bending trip through rock-n-roll and drugs. We saw political, spiritual, literary, and musical leaders rise and fall, leaving a lifetime of lessons behind them. According to Webster Dictionary in 1965, the definition for the word hippie was "a …

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…Because of the knowledge we have some thirty years later, it also opened the doors for us to teach drug education in our schools. We know have clinics that cover everything, abortions, birth control pills, free condoms, tested and treated for std's and treatment for drug addiction. Thanks to the hippie generation, we've learned to take care of our own, lend an ear when needed and to be compassionate when someone needs a hand up.