This is a speech about my hobby which is driving.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Do you ever get that urge to just run away? Or like you are about to explode with anger for no reason? Ever feel like you are so swamped with work from school that you want to quit college, just for a minute? These are all urges induced by stress. We all find ways to escape in order to gather ourselves, even if it is just for a little while. I live in an apartment …

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…pretty much everything, the only thing beyond my powers is traffic on the roads but with experience you learn there are plenty of ways to avoid it. Basically I am content to know that I will always have the road to save me from boredom and distress. I will forever be indulging in the pleasures of driving, and no one will ever be able to take that away from me. At least I hope not.