This is a short speech on the reasons that AIDS is the next plague.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
*This was pretty much a guide for me during my speech.. basically the main ideas** **One thing that is not included is that the main hospital in Johannesburg is only taking chronic patients because of a lack of space, funding, and resources in the hospital. They will stabilize you, and then let you go. An interesting point is that 80% of the emergency patients coming in are from gunshot wounds.. This hospital is also the main …

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…for blood donations were infected with HIV. If current trends continue, China will have 20 million AIDS cases by 2020. The majority of these people are of an age to be sexually active, i.e. the age of people who are the mainstay of the working force. There will be severe problems feeding and supporting the survivors with such a decimated population. Without an agricultural system, countries will chaotically starve. The economic consequences have only just begun