This is a short research paper over the life of Charlie Chaplin and his significance.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
When you think of old silent movies a few actors come to mind; however, none clearer than Charlie Chaplin. His "Tramp" character was one of the most recognizable characters on the planet (Burr 1). He lived to be 88, and he lived about half of those years in the United States. Charlie Chaplin was born April 16, 1889 as Charles Spencer Chaplin. He was named after his father, a British music hall entertainer (Encyclopaedia Britannica 1). Chaplin made his music …

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…The Early Years: 9 Charlie Chaplin the First Super-star." Entertainment Weekly October 30, 1996: 20+. "Charlie Chaplin." Britannica Student Encyclopedia. April 10, 2002 . "Chaplin, Charlie." Encyclopedia Britannica. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1997. Chaplin, Charlie." Encyclopedia Britannica. April 10, 2002 . Lynn, Kenneth S. "Charlie Chaplin and his Times." New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997. Yates, Skye. "Ladies and The Tramp." The Daily Telegraph March 26, 2002: pp O28.