This is a short poem I had to write for my english class. It is about my my Honda 400ex. (Racing four wheeler). Coincidently it is called "Honda 400ex" excellent poem

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Honda 400ex Hit the gas and hold on tight She just might fly if you drive her right In the lead is where you'll be When you drop the clutch on 400cc's Those Yamaha's aint got half of what you've got That's why every time you get the Holeshot The purr of the engine and roar of the exhaust Should let them know they already lost Get comfy in front cause that's your spot Your …

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…the clutch on 400cc's Those Yamaha's aint got half of what you've got That's why every time you get the Holeshot The purr of the engine and roar of the exhaust Should let them know they already lost Get comfy in front cause that's your spot Your driving a Honda of course you look hot Before we race you might think you have a chance But in the end I'll be doing the victory dance.