This is a short essay about the book "O Pioneers" that describes the characters and the plot.

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1. I think that Alexandra's sense of responsibility and Carl's love of freedom make a perfect balance. While Carl would give up many things for freedom, Alexandra's responsible streak would keep them grounded. Carl's intelligence works with Alexandra's courage to help them get though the harder parts of their relationship. 2. After reading this book, I don't think it is really Ivar that was feared or hated, but his beliefs and the fact that he was different. …

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…was in charge of molding her own her father and spoiled growing up coddled personality through her personal experiences, Marie, this could be the reason for her fate. 5. B. I think that by the time Frank killed his wife and Emil, he was not completely sane. Usually when intensely passionately moments of fear or anger occur, no thoughts go through your head. I imagine Frank seeing white and red, and thinking over and over "Betrayal"