This is a respnsive writting to an article i read about marketers and how they try to target teens. I also included vocabulary and discussion questions

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Rachel Miller 2/15/05 Personal Finance Pd.3 <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> Current Events Assignment <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>Teen Marketing? Fo' Shizzle Dizzle <Tab/>Everyday advertisers are looking for new ways to connect and build trust with teenagersbecause they are "the …

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…opera company 6. "you'll get street cred with teens when they learn you are down with G-unit, Aight?"- (n) a pathetic attempt for an old white man trying to be cool. <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>Discussion Questions 1. How do you feel about the advertisers using these tecniques? 2. What are some advertisments you can think of that would fall in the category of this article?