This is a research paper on the history of Marijuana.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
The History Of Marijuana The history of marijuana is quite interesting. Marijuana has gone from being an important crop of the early settlers, to being outlawed in many countries, including the United States. To better understand marijuana, I will trace it back to its origins, and explain how marijuana was used in the beginning. I will then take a closer look at the history of marijuana in the United States and how this plant has …

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… October 20, 2003 ?Marijuana Laws By Marijuana Addiction.Info.? Http:// October 20, 2003 ?Facts About Marijuana By Marijuana Addiction.Info.? Http:// October 20, 2003 Preston, Brian. Pot Planet: Adventures In Global Marijuana Culture. New York, Grove Press, 2nd edition, pages 80-87, 2002. Sloman, Larry ?Ratso?. Reefer Madness: The History of Marijuana in America. New York: St. Martin?s Griffin, 1979 Webster's New World Dictionary. ?Euphoria.? Third College Edition, page 827, 1988.