This is a research essay about the mafia and the people and events in it. It mentions many of the biggest names in the history of the mafia. It also enlightens us to the early beginning of the mafia.

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Essay Database > History
From the beginning to the end, the mafia has left an impression on our society. The history of the Mafia is not definite but many believe that the Mafia was born in order to protect and help the less fortunate. The origins of the mafia date back to the ninth century when Sicily was ruled by Arabic forces. This is when the mafia arose, in efforts to gain back their freedom. Even after the mafia …

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…example, the Hennessey murder in the 1890. This situation with Chief Hennessey, the mafia and the Caomorra caused problems throughout New Orleans for over five years. The mafia has become a widespread problem in the United States, and it continues to grow. Personally, I do not see an end for the mafia, and even if by some chance there is, history will repeat itself. Another group just like the mafia will not take long to arise.