This is a report on the importance of using a saftey belt. I handed this in for my health class and rceived a 100.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Safety Belt Report Seat belts and child safety seats help prevent injury five different ways. By: Preventing ejection, shifting crash forces to the strongest parts of the body's structure, spreading forces over a wide area of the body, allowing the body to slow down gradually, and Protecting the head and spinal cord. Safety belts are the most effective means of saving lives and reducing serious injuries in traffic crashes. They're also the law. In most …

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…putting on your belt was dorky or uncool, and it only takes a matter of five seconds to put it on. So why are thousands of people dying each year, forgetfulness? It's a mystery why someone would take their chances like that. But the best bet for your wallet's and life's sake...wear a seat belt at all times because you have nothing to loose if you do and everything to loose if you don't.