This is a presentation on Diction and Syntax for Charles Dickens's "Great Expectations". Chapters 1-8

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Chapter 1 Infant tongue Denotation- Infant means newborn, or new, while tongue means the organ the human body uses when it speaks. Connotations- What Dickens could try to mean in this small passage is that he doesn't have the mastery that he should have over his tongue because he is very young and doesn't know much about the world. Simple Sentence Declarative Sentence It relates to the theme of social class, because Pip is a poor …

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…that he is ignorant. He says "all one to me" meaning that he sees all of them as the same language. Pip cannot make the difference out. This ignorance that he experiences is another drive that encourages him to excel. Complex Sentence Declarative Sentence This sentence shows how the rich were educated in the many languages of the classics. If people were educated in these languages it made them different from the poor. (Page 66, Paragraph 2)