This is a pre-made speech, things may need to be changed if being used in america, eg glassons is the new zealand hot topic or where ever teens shop.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
When I walk down the street, I usually get weird looks, so I'm used to it now. Its taken me a while to figure out why though, my grandma says I stick out of the crowed like a sore thumb, and she's right. New Zealand is a nation of sheep, we cant do anything individually , and look towards neighbouring countries for new ideas, so that we can then steal them for our own. Whether it …

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…When all of these points are brought to matter, the harsh truth is that New Zealanders as a nation really are just a bunch of sheep. We all dress the same, and treat those who rebel against us different, we follow America and other countries with language and we get most of our ideas from movies & magazines. Therefore, this point just makes me be PROUD to be an Australian, and not a sheep.