This is a paper on the two works of sramatic literature, Much Ado about Nothing and Lysistrata

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Much Ado about Nothing and Lysistrata both depict societies of the past that were quite different than our own society. Still, these works remain popular today and are widely read and performed. The reason for this is that even in their age, the stories bear similarities to the present time. In Much Ado about Nothing, the relationships between characters are very comparable to relationships between people today. In Lysistrata, certain characters act like some people …

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…watch or read Lysistrata, they see a mirror of the world they live in. Much Ado about Nothing and Lysistrata describe societies very different from our society. However, they continue to be popular with audiences because certain aspects of both plays remind those audiences of the world they live in. From they familiar relationships in Much Ado about Nothing to the nature of characters in Lysistrata, the content seems to be very close to home.