This is a paper concerning the epic "The Odyssey" and its relevence.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Though one of the most recognized pieces of history, the Odyssey is also one of the greatest epics ever. The timeless struggles of man against himself, a force greater than himself, and the many aspects of Greek culture prove its' worth. The many faces of the Odyssey contribute color and texture to the epic. One of the most recurring is the character Telemechus. An enthusiastic youth, he dreams of one day thwarting his enemies, the …

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…s enemies and becomes the head of the house once again. There are many more trials that Odysseus endures, which Homer cleverly forces the reader through as well. With some aspects of the Odyssey being controversial, such as the admiration of deception, the epic may not be the greatest moral guideline. But it is an interesting view on human nature, and a lively piece of art, which portrays a historical high point in Greek culture.