This is a outline for a welfare essay it can be used as a speech or turned into an essay

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Welfare Outline Topic: Welfare is unjust. General Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that welfare is unjust and propose a new and improved plan. Introduction I.Now to expand on what my esteemed colleague has stated welfare today is taken advantage of and taken for granted by more people than it is truly helping II.Today I am going to elaborate on the economic and social disabilities welfare is …

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…Institute points out that a major problem among the poor today is obesity, not starvation. Transition: There are way to many ways to commit fraud and take advantage of a system that is only here to help. We are not suggesting an end to this helping hand we are suggesting a revision. Conclusion I.I have told you so many statistics supporting a change for welfare programs and how it doesn't allow the people on