This is a narrative written about my experiences on breaking my leg. This story ends with a moral and explains my experiences.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Birthday Bash Mike, my friend, always had the most superb birthday parties. Mike's dad was a beta tester for Nintendo, therefore allowing Mike to always have the best and newest video games. Also, Mike had a gigantic house and an enormous backyard. His house was the perfect environment for hide and seek, because it offered numerous excellent hiding places. His backyard had sufficient amount of area to allow the kids to play soccer and football. …

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…because if they aren't injurious events might take place. James wasn't patient was he pushed me off the slide, causing me to have a hairline fracture in my leg. The second lesson I learned is to not let other people control your life. Mike let his parents control his birthday party, making him invite James, who we all hated. In conclusion, this event has changed my life because I will always be afraid of heights.