This is a monologue that I did for my Final Exam. It earned me a 94 in an Honors class. The monlogue is about a baseball game with dad.

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Essay Database > Literature
I guess I must have been about seven or eight. I couldn't have been much younger. It was the first time my Dad took me to a real baseball game. I guess I must have seen too many innings, because I suddenly had to get up and take a walk. I wasn't sure my Dad would let me go by myself, but we were within one run of tying the game and he didn't want …

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…was holding my ticket, and saw where my seat was. He sort of pushed me along and we got down to my seat. When we got there the guy stood up to let me sit down, and I saw who it was. "Hey, look who's here," my Dad said. "It's Mr. Allen! What do you know--he's a huge baseball fan just like you!" Mr. Allen was my English teacher. I've hated English class ever since. .