This is a long extended essay on The Canadian Pacific Railway in the 1800's and its affect on the Political and Social growth of Canada during this time.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
The Canadian Pacific Railway as a Catalyst for Political and Social Development in Canada during the 1800's The Canadian Pacific Railway was a crucial turning point in Canada's development because it was a Technological advancement, which forever changed Canada's position in the world. Although direct causes of the building and operation of the Canadian Pacific Railway would have been a stronger economy, both social and political benefits were generated, which continues to affect Canada until …

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…falling to continue developing and become one of the world's most powerful juggernauts. In Conclusion, the Canadian Pacific Railway was a major development in Canadian history as it allowed a stronger economy to develop which was the base of further advancements that Canada would make during the entire span that it would exist and would help keep the independence that Canada had fought so hard to obtain from the British Empire and The United States.