This is a guide for the students on how they should study To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

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Essay Database > Literature
To Kill a Mockingbird Criticism Throughout her 1960 novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee employs many literary strategies to perfect her prose. These said methods are difficult to categorize, though it is simplest to divide her methods into three categories, each with their own branching sub-topics. These categories would be Lee's unique writing style, her storyline's structure, and the compelling themes which seamlessly wind their way throughout the book, finding their ways into each and …

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…twork. To successfully uncover every underlying substance Harper Lee buried within this novel would take a great mind, and one with eons to spare reading and rereading this novel. Though perhaps this quality is what has bequeathed this novel its throne as one of the greatest ever composed, that it will never be fully broken down, dissected and examined, instead remaining a coiled enigma for countless generations of young learners to cut their teeth upon.