This is a gothic legend about witches

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Essay Database > Law & Government
The mystery of the von Vaughans The von Vaughans had lived in a huge castle at the border of England for more than 100 years ever since Maxim von Vaughan moved to England. His portrait, along every one else's, hung on the walls of the dark corridor. Maxim von Vaughan is quite a grim-looking fellow, gray hair, stony gaze, and an absolutely straight face. The huge castle they live in, Hexenbourg castle, doesn't look any better. …

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…were still wide open with fear, his face twisted in a weird angle. Strangely, no one had heard anything the night he had died and they never found out how he died. The cottage was deserted a few days after and Mme Darach and her black cat were not seen again. But there were rumours that whenever there was a storm, the black cat was seen on the moor, its eyes glowing brighter than ever.