This is a essay paragraphing assignment that was done on the topic of friendship.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Mandeep Sandhu Two Paragraph Assignment Writing: ELA 10 IB In society, citizens are constantly flooded with images of sorrow, pain and death. In the present situation, society unceasingly sees and hears of the troubles in Iraq, and "The Bombs Over Baghdad." For most people, this plight is more than disturbing: it is downright depressing. The real solution to these perturbed emotions that we experience not only now, but also in our everyday lives at home, school …

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…well as keep information, a friend can act as a machine, taking in information, processing it, and outputting it so that it can be of some help and significance. Though friendship can come at many levels, it is always the same regarding the help, welfare, and happiness that it provides. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, "From the highest degree of passionate love, to the lowest degree of good-will, [friends] make the sweetness of life."