This is a essay arguing the points of legalization of protitution. It explains why it should be legalized, and has a breif histroy on the topic.

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Essay Database > History
Prostitution has been called "the world's oldest profession". It has also been said that prostitution is as old as the world. In the simplest of definitions, prostitution is nothing but a contract between consenting people. This contract is for one or more individuals to provide sex to another in exchange for payment. It has also been observed between animals; in chimpanzees and in penguins. <Tab/>Prostitution used to be quite common …

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…required to use condoms which would cut down considerably on the spread of infectious diseases. <Tab/>Regulating the prostitutes may even reduce the number of underage prostitutes. With legal aged prostitutes safely available, maybe people would hopefully stay away from the under-aged or un-licensed prostitutes. Also, if this service was legal and readily available it could potentially cut down on pedophiles who today use violence and force to get their "satisfaction".