This is a detailed description of a piece of ancient egyptian artwork.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The piece of artwork that I wish to discuss is a ceremonial figure statue from ancient Egypt. This piece of artwork was created between the years 1929 and 1878 B.C.E. This particular piece of artwork happens to be in the form of a statue. It is a statue of a man, in traditional ancient Egyptian clothing, head dress and loin cloth; the man is also carrying the traditional shepherd's crook. The figure wears the red …

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…of the photographs are well organized in a virtual exhibit about ancient Egyptian artwork. The website that I chose had many other links to other parts of their own website, which is extremely informative on all of the pages. The webpage that I chose was that of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; so, therefore, I would have to conclude that this is, in fact, a most truly and most definite credible resource for factual information.