This is a concise essay on the culture of different ethnic groups in Nigeria, West Africa. I hope to paint a mosaic of the traditions and activities to readers.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Nigeria is very rich in culture. Various ethnic groups in Nigeria have their own culture. The Durbar festival in the various emirates of the North of Nigeria symbolizes strength and dexterous skills in riding of horses. Durbars are called up during religious festivals like Id el' Fitri and Id el Kabir. They are also called up during installation ceremonies of the Emirs. They are also called up during installation ceremonies of the Emirs. The Durbars …

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…Kingdom, the best-known center of civilization in the pre-colonial days, has the oba as the traditional head. The Igu festival is celebrated annually in December for the Oba and his subjects. It is a combination of nine principal ceremonies during which animals especially goats are sacrificed. The celebrants dress in their finest attires and join in songs and dances. I find Nigeria culture interesting in that it unites the people and also leads to progress.