This is a comparison of two scenes for film Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Lord of the Rings The Shire and Isengard are two very different parts of middle-earth. An array of different camera techniques, lighting and sound effects are used to control the viewers reaction. The first shot of the shire is a LS of Frodo sat amongst the shade of the trees reading his book. The whole area around him is intense with colour. The grass is a perfect green and the sky is a cloudless blue. …

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…life and spirit. It exists as an unspoilt part of country full of happiness and friendship. Its rolling fields and living trees create its pure and golden karma. Isengard is stripped of everything that would have once made it earthly. All the trees have been pulled, and burning trenches dug. Nothing good walks here. Its land is scattered with vile looking oarks craving for more destruction. The sky darkens as every thing celestial is decimated.