This is a compare & contrast essay about dog ownership vs. cat ownership.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
There comes a time in most people's lives when they decide to get a pet. Some people choose an exotic animal such as a bird, snake, or rodent. Most people, however, decide on the more common four-legged creatures: cats or dogs. Although dogs and cats have some characteristics in common, they are very different animals, and they have different attitudes, needs, and habits. Understanding these differences can help a person choose which of the two …

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…lots of room or a big yard, and who has a lot of free time to care for the dog in. A cat would be a better choice for someone with limited space, limited time, or somebody who is older and not so active. If a loyal, loving pet and trustworthy companion is desired, a dog is a good choice. However, if quiet and low maintenance is more important, a cat is the right decision.