This is a characterization report on a short story by Sherwood Anderson, entitled "Brother Death".

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Brother Death" Control has many different meanings for many different people. To most, however, this word brings to mind one person forcing another do his or her will, but other things have control over people as well. Sherwood Anderson shows two examples of control in Don and Ted. These two characters have problems created by their difficult lives. The other characters' personalities either help or hinder the children, creating a family with a constant conflict …

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…one of the most important parts. She helps Ted find freedom and a happy life, solving, single handedly, one of the two conflicts in the story. The second issue between John and Don eventually solves itself. They both put the problems that they had out in the open and worked on them until the solution to this last argument became apparent. Anderson illustrates the power of a family and how different personalities affect people's lives.