This is a character sketch on Joe Gargery from the book Great expectations, writen by Charles Dickens

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Joe Gargery isn't the smartest man, but he is honest, well manered, and an all around good guy. He lives a simple life in England. He lives with his wife and step son in a small house in the country. They have their differences, but Joe is the "happy medium" of the three. Joe plays a very important role in Pip's (his step son) life. In the beginning Joe acts as the "good" parent to …

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…When he leaves, he only left a note explaining that Joe has paid off all his debts while he was ill, and that he doesn't need to be paid back. Joe is a gracious, and well manered man. He knows how to handle even the most difficult of people, like his wife Mrs. Joe. He can act like a father or a friend. Because of these characteristics, in my opinion, Joe is a good man.