This is a chapter by chapter summary of James McBride's "The Color of Water."

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Essay Database > History > World History
Ruchel Dwajra Zylska was an immigrant. Her father was an Orthodox Jewish rabbi. Her parents got rid of that name when they moved to America. They changed her name to Rachel Deborah Shilsky. Rachel's parents were opposite from each other. Her mother (Hudis) was an incredibly nice woman who was very beautiful inside and out but had a few physical disabilities. Such as she was half blind and had trouble walking "normally." Her father (Fishel …

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…comes into your path. Ruth gave birth to twelve children and was able to raise them all the best she could and she sent them all to college. In addition, it covers the topic that it does not matter what you are, it is how you act and treat others that really matters. Finding who you are is important, but it should not take over your entire life, just be happy for what you have.