This is a basic case study about urban problems in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Problems described are prostitution drugs and traffic...

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
This essay has 1155 words Urban problems in Amsterdam Introduction:Amsterdam, a city of exquisite beauty and unimaginably rare cultural items & artifacts. That's how we all know Amsterdam to be, that is what one call's a stereotype. Unfortunately, the truth is far from this. In fact, there are quite a few extremely severe urban problems there. The reason why I chose Amsterdam as the target city of my essay is my sincere interest in this …

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…in the whole Europe as Amsterdam is. That is probably the reason why we consider Amsterdam so weird, it is after all a totally different city from rest of Europe. Bibliography Independent, The (London, England) Edition: FOREIGN Section: Foreign News Page: 10 Author: Isabel Conway Date: December 10, 2002 Independent, The (London, England) Edition: FOREIGN Section: Foreign News Page: 9 Author: Isabel Conway Date: September 1, 2003