This is Thematic Analysis of 2 novels "Rocket Boys" and "Sister of My Heart".

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Thematic Analysis of Rocket Boys and Sister of My Heart Dedication is defined by Webster's Dictionary as "a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose." Without dedication you would never succeed at anything, but with dedication you can do anything you put your mind to. In these two novels, Rocket Boys and Sister of My Heart, by Homer H. Hickam and Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, the characters can only succeed in life if they are …

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…a good life for her daughter, because of that she decided to move to America. In conclusion, the characters, of Rocket Boys and Sister of My Heart, can only succeed in life if they are determined. Sonny, Ms. Riley, Anju, and Sudha all show the theme of dedication through the conflicts that they face. In the end, it is clear that dedication plays a major role as one of the main themes in both novels.