This essay was for a Geography retail class, and I was supposed to gather three article's and compare and contrast the idea's of the aritcle with the main topic which was shopping malls in N.America.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Shields, Rob., 1989. Social Spatialization and the built environment: The West Edmonton Mall. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 7: 147-64. Shields article explores numerous aspects of social spatialization and the environment of the West Edmonton Mall. The development of this world class tourist attraction became the "largest, comprehensive tourist attraction ever built in the universe" (Shield, 150). The city of Edmonton needed a world class tourist attraction, needed a place were people would come to instead …

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…wanted a world class tourist attraction. DO METHODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Works Cited: Kershaw. June 1994. Buying retail: shoppers spend less time in malls than ever before. Here's why shopping centre investments still make sense. B.C. Business Magazine, v.22(6): 50. Shields, Rob., 1989. Social Spatialization and the built environment: The West Edmonton Mall. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 7: 147-64. Van de Ven, Lisa., Sept. 2001. Shopping malls must find new niche: Big box stores a big threat. Financial Post: 15.