This essay talks about the sources of evil in the book Lord of the Flies. It focuses on William Golding's attempt to get his message across: the main source of evil anywhere is mankind itself.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Source of Evil In William Golding's, Lord of the Flies, the main source of evil is human nature. Golding proves that evil lives inside of every human being. But it takes certain circumstances and situations for the evil that lives in everyone to seep out. The presence of evil in the book leads to the fall of all civilization on the island and to the deaths of Simon and Piggy. Human characteristics, desires, and actions …

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…and make them feel guilty. Ralph stays mature up until that moment. He wants to show Jack that he still has more power than Jack. The only fully innocent character is Simon. Simon tries to inform the boys with the truth about the beast. But Simon's attempt to help the boys out leads to his murder. Human nature is responsible for all of the evil actions that took place during Golding's Lord of the Flies.