This essay specifies the main events that occured in the Vietnam War.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
VIETNAM (1945-1975) The event of history that I have researched for the upcoming History Fair is The Vietnam War. In my opinion, The Vietnam War was one of the most pathetic, useless, worthless wars. This was not even really considered because of many reasons after the war came to an end. When it did there was no victor to be found because there was none. Also, there was no meaning to the war and I …

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…It also means neither side won the war and means that we fought for nothing. The Vietnam War came to a conclusion with a very surprising ending. The ending included a victory of neither party. The United State, The North Vietnamese, and South Vietnamese were not winners or losers. The thing that I believe came out of this stunning massacre was the mass number of deaths that took place throughout the years of the war.