This essay shows every single thing you will need for one of Alexander Pope's poems, namely it is "A Dying Christian in his soul". i take honors english, hopes this helps :)

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Alexander Pope was a great poet in his own way. One of his greatest works "The Dying Christian in his Soul" was one poem of great awe and inspiration. His poems cover many of the literary devices used in the English language, and can be very complex to explain at times. In order to fully analyze one of Pope's poems, one must look through and describe each and every stanza with every little detail possible …

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…Also, many literary devices such as "theme" or "alliterations" are used throughout the poem. To fully understand all of Pope's poems, one must fully analyze it for all it's worth. One should examine every single detail, every single word, to find the true meaning of Pope's poems. If one should do this, they would be subjected to many different forms of expression in the language and discover the beauty of the language known as English.