This essay is the summary and reaction of "Of Mice and Man".

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Essay Database > Literature
Of Mice and Men The novel opens with the description of a riverbed in rural California. Two migrant workers, George and Lennie, camp for the night in a river bottom. Lennie is a large, gentle mentally retarded man, devoted to George and dependant upon him for protection and guidance. Lennie is a lover of soft things, and she likes mice, but he often kills the mice accidentally because of his strength. They go to see …

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…see that under the circumstances he had no other choice. He only had two choices let the other people get to him first and watch them torture Lennie while he died a long horrible death or kills Lennie himself. This is also true in life, many times we are faced with tuff choices and even though they may be the hardest you will have to go through, you know that that is the only way.