This essay is talking about the Vietnamese new year

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
TET NGUYEN DAN (LUNAR NEW YEAR) According to Vietnamese zodiac, this year is the year of the Cock. Of course, there are certain meanings and beliefs associated with the cock character that most Asian people would believe. People born in the Cock year are deep thinkers, capable, and talented. They like to be busy, are devoted beyond their capabilities, and are deeply disappointed if they fail. Every country has big holidays and they are being …

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…and bad memories. However, today I have just introduced to you about the New Year's Celebration in Viet Nam. I hope that that you have a better picture about Viet Nam besides what has been a portrait from the war. Moreover, I wish that you will get to know more about Vietnamese culture, people and will share some of this wonderful information like I am sharing with you right now to some of the others.