This essay is on "Rolls for the Czar," by R. Kinkead, and "What is intelligence, Anyway?" by Isaac Asimov. We were asked to write an essay comparing and contrasting these two articles.

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Essay Database > Literature
"Rolls for the Czar" "What is Intelligence, Anyway?" <Tab/>In "Rolls for the Czar," by R. Kinkead, and in "What is Intelligence, Anyway?" by Isaac Asimov, intelligence assumes different forms. The two types of intelligence referred to are book smarts and quick wit. In the first story, Markov the baker demonstrates quick wit, while in the second story, Isaac Asimov ironically does not. <Tab/>In "Rolls for …

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…may not be college educated or well read, they can still think sharply and quickly. In conclusion, I feel that reading these two works of literature should give us some food for thought. People whom our society label as stupid may in fact be quite brilliant. What I learned from these two short stories is simply to be more openminded towards people, and not to be so quick to label someone as "smart" or "dumb."