This essay is how the neo nazi skinhead movement came to be and its effect on post WW2 Europe and America.

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Essay Database > History > European History
When someone mentions the word "Skinhead" one usually thinks of nazis. The majority of Skinheads are not direct nazis', they just share some common beliefs. They are thought of as racist youth that hate non-whites and Jews. British skinheads beliefs go deeper, their hatred for other races comes from their strong love and dangerous pride of their race. This white power that the skinheads exult can be summed up in the "14 words" by David Lane, "…

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…without the burdens and misery that hate brings. What would have solved the Skinheads problems would have been an open-minded approach. By accepting non-whites and working with them to solve their problems, Skinheads problems would no longer exist. The Skinheads were too close-minded and too proud to know a better way to dissolve their troubles. Only the better people in this world are the ones who are able to resolve their issues with out violence. 16