This essay is entitled "Cross Cultural Experience". The point of the assignment was to assimilate oneself into another culture and write about his or her experience

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<Tab/>Going into this project, I thought to myself how fun it would be to assimilate myself into someone else's world that is completely different than mine. Being partnered up with Mies, I had a good feeling that I would come out of this experience with a completely different perspective on the world. With Mies' parents being Italian and mine being Korean, I was expecting myself to show Mies a unique …

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…who are born in the States because that is what they are brought up around. My generation has grown up around so much racial variety that this variety is completely normal to us. So, in essence, by adopting the cultures we see around us, we ultimately find our own culture as Americans. After learning from this experience I have learned that it is incorrect to say that my culture is Korean because it is not.