This essay is disscussing the aftermath of the American Revolution.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
A New World, With an Old Beginning . Once the American Revolution was won, questions of how to unite the colonies and make sure each individual had received the rights that they had fought for. With dreams of "liberty and Justice for all" only proves that America had a long way to go until they would fulfill this statement. The American Revolution was the start of a great country, although the extent of change is not …

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…were humans, and that they were equivalent to whites. America was approaching the right direction following the American Revolution, with the attempts of finding social equality, and the minimal improvements of rights for women and African Americans, although the journey for equality has been long and hard, the American Revolution aftermath may have not had immediate drastic changes, but it awoke people, and they began to see what "liberty and justice for all" truly meant.