This essay is comparing shakespears "Romeo and Juliet" with the movie, "West Side Story".

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
"West Side Story" is a modernized musical based on Shakespeare's play, "The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet", which takes place in Elizabethan times. Both of these stories have many similarities, but there are a lot of major differences as well. Both of these stories are about forbidden love shared between two characters of opposite sides. The tragic endings of these stories cause the two opposing sides to finally get along. "The Tragedy of Romeo and …

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…Juliet. The difference there is that Juliet didn't tell the nurse the plan, but Maria told Anita the plan when she talked her into letting Tony know she would be late arriving to the store. Chino's character is very similar to Paris's character. Chino was supposed to marry Maria and Paris was supposed to marry Juliet. Chino killed Tony. In "West Side Story" Chino killed Tony while in "Romeo and Juliet", Romeo killed Paris First.