This essay is about why and how one would go about becoming a general manager of a large company or resort. My teacher for intro. to hospitality gave us this assignment and it turned out pretty good.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Becoming a General Manager Through out my life I have always enjoyed cooking and presenting meals to other people. As a child I began cooking eggs with my grandmother and felt as though I was creating a work of art. As I continue to learn more and feed my culinary appetite I realized that I don't only enjoy the cooking aspect of the hospitality industry but enjoy pleasing people with every aspect from the moment …

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…help me along the way to becoming he best general manager that I can be. Without one or two of these tools I might jeopardize my job as well as the well being or my customers. That is why every one of these steps is essential to me. I hope that my work ethic is strong and continues to stay strong so that one day I reach my ultimate goal of becoming a general manager.