This essay is about the war in Iraq and how i'm being a patriot to the soliders in Iraq.

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I think the greatest and bravest patriots of all time are the soldiers in Iraq. They are fighting for millions of that they don't even know. They obviously love support and defend it because they are stopping us from getting bombed, or taken over by a murderous political leader like Sadamm Hussein. I think weather or not you agree with the war we should support them like they are supporting their country. They are not …

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…thanks to the British who are fighting with us in this war. We have to look pass the words war and support the soldiers that are fighting for us out in Iraq. I like to call it "The United States Iraq Conflict" just to look pass the word "WAR". It is also the proper way to speak of the war because we never officially declared war on them and they never declared war on us.